Cloughmore Company (Achill)

Cloughmore Company was part of the 2nd (Newport) Battalion from it’s formation. In January 1922 it was transferred to the 4th (Achill Island) Battalion of the newly formed 5th Brigade (North West Mayo).

List of Officers

NameRankWitness StatementPensionMedal
O’Boyle JohnO/C
Kilbane Pat1st Lieut
Gallagher ThomasQM
McLoughlin PatAdjutant
Patten Michael2nd Lieut

List of Volunteers

Barrett Tom
Carney Pat
Catigan Michael
Catigan Owen
Cooney John
Corrigan John
Corrigan John
Corrigan Michael
Duggan John
Duggan John
Farry Michael
Farry Pat
Gallagher Owen
Gallagher Pat
Gallagher Peter
Gallagher Ted
Gallagher Tom
Kilbane Bartley
Kilbane Edward
Kilbane James
Kilbane John
Kilbane John (Pat)
Kilbane Martin
Kilbane Michael
Kilbane Michael
Kilbane Owen
Kilbane Pat
Kilbane Pat (Pat)
Kilbane Pat
Lavelle Denis
Lavelle James
Lyncheaun Neil
Lyncheaun Pat
Masterson Brian
Masterson Brian
Masterson Joe
Masterson John
Masterson Martin
Masterson Pat
Masterson Pat
Masterson Pat
Masterson Pat (Pat)
McCann John
McGinty Michael
McMamara Owen
O'Boyle Tom
O'Donnell John
O'Donnell John
O'Donnell Michael
O'Donnell Michael (Pat)
O'Malley James
O'Malley John
O'Malley Pat
Patten M.
Patten Pat
Spragget John
Sweeney Anthony
Sweeney James
Sweeney Michael
Sweeney Pat