B Company (Ballyheane)

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List of Officers

NameRankStatus 1934Witness StatementPensionMedal
Murphy PatO/CUSA
Fadden John1st LieutHollyhill
O’Dea Pat2nd LieutUSA
Higgins MichaelAdjutantParkboy
King PatQMSpencer Street

List of Volunteers

NameStatus 1934
Bartley PatrickRIP
Basquille EdwardRIP
Basquille JohnUSA
Basquille PatBallyheane
Basquille WilliamCastle Street, Castlebar
Bourke PatUSA
Bourke ThomasFrenchill
Burke JamesUSA
Burke PatCoolodge
Brennan EdwardHollyhill
Brennan PatrickHollyhill
Browne JamesGB
Browne HenryUSA
Browne ThomasFrenchill, Castlebar
Cannon PatHollymount
Cleary PatrickMountdaisy
Connolly JohnRIP
Connor JohnUSA
Connor JohnSpencer Street, Castlebar
Conway JamesUSA
Conway JohnClooney
Coyne JamesUSA
Conway TomBuncom
Daly MalachyLockapuil
Deasy MichaelErrew
Delap Michael
Dolan MartinHollyhill
Dunne TomClooney
Fadden JamesUSA
Fadden MichaelUSA
Fadden MichaelUSA
Fadden PatCreevagh
Fadden TomUSA
Flannery PeterMountdaisy
Flynn HenryUSA
Flynn JohnKanturk
Flynn JohnUSA
Flynn MichaelUSA
Flynn ThadyUSA
Grimes PatRinegraun
Hennelly PatDublin
Heneghan JohnBallyheane
Heneghan PatGB
Higgins MichaelParkboy
Jennings RichardHollyhill
Joyce JamesRIP
Joyce MichaelRIP
Joyce PatCreevagh
Joyce TomUSA
Hynes JamesGarda Siochana
Hynes JohnBallintubber
Kelly MichaelCreevagh
Keogh JosephGB
Kilroy JohnCastlebar Hospital
King JohnCloonferth
King JohnGB
King PatrickCloonferth
Londra JamesErrew
Londra LukeClooney
Madden MartinUSA
Madden StephenCreevagh
Mannion JamesGB
Mitchell EdwardClooney
Mitchell MichaelLisaneska
Mitchell PatLisaneska
Mitchell TomClooney
Morahan AnthonyMountdaisy
Morahan MichaelMountdaisy
Mugan AnthonyUSA
Mullins JohnDerrew
Murphy AnthonyGB
Murphy JamesParkboy
Murphy ThomasUSA
Moran JohnUSA
Moran MichaelDerrew
McAlpine TomUSA
McDonagh TomRinecraun
McDonagh MartinRinecraun
McDonnell JohnBallyheane
McDonnell TomBallyheane
McGough JohnUSA
McGough PatGB
McGreevey GeoffryBallyheane
McGreevey PatUSA
McGuire ?Buncom
McGuire EdwardErrew
Naughton JamesUSA
O'Donnell PatrickCloonferth
O'Donnell ThomasGB
O'Malley AnthonyCreevagh
O'Malley AustinCreevagh
O'Malley MichaelUSA
O'Malley PeterBallyheane
Quigley ThomasCloonferth
Quinn EdwardLispondra
Rabitte EdwardMountdaisy
Rabbitte MichaelMountdaisy
Reilly JohnMountdaisy
Reilly JohnErrew
Reilly TomWestland, Ballyheane
Ryan DenisHollymount
Ryan JamesGarda Siochana
Sheridan JamesCreevagh
SheridanMichael Creevagh
Thomas TomClooncondra
Thomas PatClooncondra
Thornton MichaelHollymount
Tuffy TomGB
Vahey MichaelUSA
Vahey OwenUSA
Vahey WilliamBallintubber