A force of 100 strong E company, Auxiliaries, were stationed in Westport, one week after the Carrowkennedy ambush, arriving on 11th June 1921 and left on 18th January 1922.
They were billeted in the Railway Hotel, Joyce’s Private Hotel, offices of solicitor Mr. John Kelly and private residence of PJ Doris.
A report stated that when they went to inspect the Westport Workhouse on 23rd September 1921 (truce period), they found it occupied by the IRA under the command of Michael Kilroy and the IRA threatened that they had a machine gun mounted there.

Notes: E Company Auxiliaries photographed inside the gates of Westport House. Company commander SF Sharp seated centre, with the second in command AW Brawn and intelligence officer RGD Willan and the three platoon commanders, plus perhaps a transport officer and a CQM.

Notes: Platoon strength (normally 25 to 30 men), of E company, inside the gates of Westport House. These gates are no longer there.