Click to view members at time of the start of the Civil War – 1st of July 1922
List of Officers
Name | Rank | Status 1934 | Witness Statement | Pension | Medal |
O’Malley M.J. | Captain | Ardoley | | | |
Kelly W.H. | 1st Lieut | Kiladangan | | | |
Grady John | 2nd Lieut | Cloonagh | | | |
Hearty Edward | Adjutant | Brackloon | | | |
Sammon Matt | QM | Kileenacoff | | | |
List of Volunteers
Name | Status 1934 |
Bourke Thomas | Killeenacoff |
Butler Michael | Prospect |
Cannon Thomas | ? |
Casey John | Killeenacoff |
Connor Peter | Loughloon |
Cottingham Robert | Killeenacoff |
Doris Pat | Streamstown |
Doris James | Streamstown |
Doris Henry | Streamstown |
Duffy James | Prospect |
Duffy John | Liscarney |
Duffy Patrick | Prospect |
Fadden James | Loughloon |
Fadden John | Loughloon |
Fadden Tony | Loughloon |
Flynn ? | Loughloon |
Gannon A | Ardoley |
Gannon James | Loughloon |
Gannon John | Belclare |
Gannon John | Killadangan |
Gannon Michael | Loughloon |
Gannon Patrick | Streamstown |
Gannon Thomas | Loughloon |
Gavin Joseph | Knockfin |
Gavin Michael | Murrisk |
Gavin Patrick | Knockfin |
Gavin Thomas | Streamstown |
Gibbons James | Loughloon |
Gibbons Thomas | ? |
Giblin Michael | The Quay |
Giblin M. J | Churchfield |
Giblin Patrick | Churchfield |
Giblin Peter | Streamstown |
Giblin Thomas | Streamstown |
Grady James | Cloonagh |
Grady Phil | Cloonagh |
Hastings Peter | Liscarney |
Heraty John | Liscarney |
Heraty Michael | Brackloon |
Heraty Patrick | Liscarney |
Heraty Peter | Brackloon |
Heverin John | Killeenacoff |
Hoban Broddie | ? |
Hoban Michael | The Octagon |
Holland Austin | Clerhaun |
Holland Patrick | Clerhaun |
Joyce Thomas (Anthony) | Loughloon |
Kearney John | Cloonagh |
Kearney Mark | Cloonagh |
Kearney Patrick | Cloonagh |
Kelly Bernard | Brackloon |
Kelly John F | Brackloon |
Kelly ? | Brackloon |
Kerins William | Liscarney |
Kerrigan Patrick | Killeenacoff |
King Patrick | Liscarney |
Lavelle James | Ardoley |
Lavelle John | Ardoley |
Lavelle Joseph | Ardoley |
Lloyd William | Streamstown |
Lyons Dominick | Liscarney |
Moran Laurence | Killeenacoff |
Moran Michael | Killeenacoff |
Murphy John | Prospect |
McGreal John | Loughloon |
McGreal John | Loughloon |
McGreal Patrick | Loughloon |
McGuire ? | Loughloon |
McGuire John | Loughloon |
McKenna James | Carrabawn |
McLoughlin ? | Bohea |
McNamara Peter | Cloonagh |
McNeela John | Cloonagh |
O'Donnell John | Ardoley |
O'Malley Edward | Brackloon |
O'Malley Patrick | Ardoley |
O'Malley Pakie Joe | Carnalurgan |
Rooney John | Knockfin |
Sammon Alf | Killeenacoff |
Sammon John | Killeenacoff |
Sammon Michael | ? |
Scahill ? | Loughloon |
Scahill Bernard | Prospect |
Scahill Thomas | Prospect |
Tunney ? | ? |
Walshe E | Knockfin |
Walshe James | Prospect |
Walshe Michael | ? |
Walshe Michael | Prospect |
Walshe Thady | ? |
Walshe ? | ? |